Ejesra Event Promo Fee
Add Your Event
₹ 2000 / 30 USD
- List your event on the Ejesra database
- You may choose to promote your events at any point
Ad Box Service
₹ 3000 / 50 USD
- An ad box on the Ejesra site
- Your event will appear in bold text on our listing pages
- This service runs for the duration of your event being listed on Ejesra
Spotlight Service
₹ 12,000 / 160 USD
- Your event announcement emailed to targeted Ejesra subscribers
- Reach thousands of interested academics and professionals
Want to add your event?
Send the following details via Email: info.ejesra@gmail.com
- Choose service
- Add Your Event
- Ad Box Service
- Spotlight Service
- Event website link
- Contact person details: name, email and phone number